Or Get It As Part of Cherry Audio Synth Stack 5
Or Get It As Part of Cherry Audio Synth Stack 5
Note: This is a standalone instrument, not a module for Voltage Modular.
The fun and funky Surrealistic MG-1 Plus Synthesizer is a super authentic recreation of the Realistic MG-1 synthesizer sold in Radio Shack stores in the 80s. The Surrealistic MG-1 Plus delivers fat analog tone in spades along with a unique polyphonic oscillator section, "bell tone" ring modulation, and a number of improvements that tremendously expand its capabilities.
- Ultra accurate analog modeling
- Dual oscillator monophonic plus polyphonic oscillator bank
- Super fat 24db "ladder" filter
- Over 130 presets
- "Bell tone" ring modulation
- Tempo syncable LFO
- Expanded octave ranges
- Multiple note priority modes including legato and retrigger
- Advanced one-click UI magnification
- Full MIDI control
- Full DAW automation for all controls
- Preset level MIDI mapping/automation
- Preset favoriting from the toolbar
Surrealistic MG-1 Plus is available in AU, VST, VST3, AAX, and standalone formats.
macOS Requirements: Â macOS 10.13 or above. 64-bit required. Native Apple M1 or greater processor support, including Ultra. 3.4 GHz Quad-Core or M1 CPU with 8GB of RAM recommended.
Windows Requirements:Â Windows 7 or above (including Windows 11), 64-bit required. Quad-core computer with 8GB of RAM recommended.
NOTE: Internet connection required for product activation.

Plugins | Cherry Audio
Nov 25, 20
the quality is heard, the 80s are alive again in 2020
Nov 25, 20
This Titan Synth
This Synth is out of this world. Very customizable.
jose luis
Nov 26, 20
la verdad medeja fasinado sin palabras es una maquinafasinate
SNÖ King
Nov 27, 20
I played all night
I downloaded this plugin last night after excitedly emailing CA and thanking them profusely for the free synth I always wanted. The MG-1. The installation was a breeze. Decided to go for the standalone first and wow.... I never tried the plugin yet... at least in a DAW. But... and I say but, it was worth it? Yes indeed it was. I know I am probably the worst person to review this based on my love of Moog, but I'm not so much a fanboy of Moog as I am of Good sound and design and Cherry Audio is the modular software company I would hold up those same sort of exacting standards. This looks like the MG-1 down to the ABS sheen and stamped pattern of the 80's plastic boomboxes and cassette desks. I was avast in its utter beauty for like the first 3.5 minutes... lol... then I struck the chord. wow.....WOW....OMY the richness of the Rouge is in this plastic box... The Poly settings are so spot on I just gave up trying to continue to compare. The software sounded better. It sounds rich, airy, hollow, full... LOUD! It sounds how ever I want it to sound. That is the Moog way... and Cherry Audio knows this. They live it. Breath it. Dream it too...And do take notes from us.
The precision in which they hand off the customer made code into it's inner engine for subproccessing faster is brilliant. Its why their DCO's are so bright a realistic, lush. Lush is the definitive word for this very brilliant and well put together plugin. I made 57 new Arp and Seq style patches using the various generators to make me some beats. The included patch library is amazing. I played a few but dived right into the first base tone patch and just went to town. Its such a fun and simple synth. If you like the TAL-Noisemaker... You are going to like the sound of this Beast. Sit back... check out the default patches provided from the Radio Shack included recipe (manual) book if I am not mistaken... and well for me... Nirvana... Thanks Cherry Audio... you made this cowboy very happy.
Nov 28, 20
Saturn Voyager
Dec 4, 20
A must Have Synth
This thing just sounds Wooow
Susam Debbarma
Dec 19, 20
I got the product just in a second
May 27, 21
Wonderful Synth!!!!
I love this one too!!!!
Jul 6, 21
Super guht
Aug 23, 21
Nov 15, 21
Oct 10, 22
Oct 13, 22
Very Cool.
This is a great little synth. The quality of this standalone and it's sounds led me snatch up three more of Cherry Audio's Synths. This might be a freebie, but it doesn't lack too much as a very useable synth in my DAWs for creating/exploring sounds.
Nice job guys. Thank you.
Dec 18, 22
May 3, 23
Great synth
Easy to use, good sound, love it!
Aug 29, 23
Very good
Jan 21, 24
Dec 11, 20
a decent mg-1 recreation
i've owned several over the years - but most all with crackly pots or noisy signals due to that nasty foam padding they had in there that melted onto the boards over the years. also, was so rare to find polyphony in an early 80's all analog synth (at that price). cherry has done a fine job of recreating it (and then some - adding a few lovely extra features) - the only problem i'm finding is that the filter seems a little too digi-glitch upon release a midi key (when the peak emph is way up and the cutoff way down, tone sources set to keyed). i don't get that with any of my mg-1's here in the studio. but yet for FREE - THANK YOU cherry audio for doing a better digital recreation than most.
p.s. this vsti pairs really nice run through mercuriall's free jcm800 preamp and then through valhalla's free supermassive reverb.
Nov 21, 21
So Cool!
This was a memory trigger for me. I had a piano class in high school and the teacher had this synth in his class. Luckily he liked me (for some reason) and assigned it to me. This thing was so cool.... first synth I ever had my hands on. Unfortunately I don't have the original to compare it, but I am sure it is spot on... judging how well you guys did with the DCO-106.
Thank you for create this softsynth and triggering some fond memories... with an awesome soundtrack.
Couldn't believe it was free!!!!
As with the DCO-106... worth so much more!!!!
Dec 13, 23
Jun 5, 21
Couldn't login
So can't review. Loaded the plugin in Reaper. Have internet connection, and no firewall (that I'm aware of). No dice. Same with Voltage.