2HP Stochastic Trigger Distributor

$1.99 $6.99

This unit receives triggers (top) and then randomly diverts them to the 6 lower jacks, according to odds set via the orange knobs. With the trigger input left unconnected, an internal clock supplies a constant trigger pulse instead, and you can set the pace with the upper black dial.

A compact variant of the Stochastic Trigger Distributor, the 2hp version becomes slimmer by forgoing modulation capabilities and the redundancy avoidance button, but it allows you to pack a bunch of random trigger diverters into an efficient little space for easier patch tinkering. This module comes free with its older sibling (or the bigger version is discounted if you buy it in reverse), for flexible ergonomics.

This device makes it easy to randomly vary drums, to create experimental clocking scenarios, and to put some generative fun in module activations.


Jul 17, 23

one of the best modules ever made.

in hardware or software.