AD Envelope Generator

Manufacturer: M*4

Contact M*4


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This is a repeatable non-linear AD envelope generator with scalable output voltage. In addition, it also has an "End Of Decay" gate signal output.


  • Gate/Trig.: The envelope can be triggered at any positive voltage.


  • Out: is the output of the envelope signal. The output voltage is scaled by the setting of the output level knob.
  • EOD: The End Of Decay output emits 5v gate signal at the end of decay phase and it continues until next attack phase. The voltage is fixed and not affected with the output knob.


  • A: sets attack time up to approximately 10sec. The output voltage rises to roughly 10v at the end of attack phase.
  • D: sets decay time up to approximately 10sec.
  • Output Level: This small knob sets the scaling percentage of output voltage with a discrete value ranged from 10% to 100%. (100% = 10v, 90% = 9v, 80% = 8v...10% = 1v)


  • Envelope Speed (fast/slow): doubles the time of attack and decay phases in "slow" setting.
  • Repeat (repeat/once): With the switch is at repeat position, the envelope automatically restart at the end of decay phase as long as the gate is on.


Mar 10, 21

Effective Contour Generator

The repeat function and the timing on this envelope has me coming back to create unique trills and unique repeatable cv functions. This is a real delight to use when creating instruments.