Additive Generation Sequencer

$7.99 $18.00

This device has vibes of randomness, the variation of combinatorics, the reliability of sequencing, and the serendipity of interacting controls.

With each step (internal or external clock), this device sums various combinations of the voltages set via the orange bars, according to binary counting. With a little tinkering, novel CV sequences emerge with ease. Send the output through a quantizer to generate pitch cv melodies, or use the signal like a complex LFO for modulation, with smoothing available via the glide control.

From the right, each bar represents a binary place (ie, ones, tens, hundreds... but for binary) and is turned on/off as that digit flips between 1 and 0 in binary counting, deciding whether its voltage contributes toward the output sum. By default, the bars each represent a range of -1V to +1V, but gain controls allow them to be scaled up to 500% (+/-5V each). It would be difficult to plan a particular CV outcome, but that's the point - slide the bars around until an interesting pattern emerges. Then, go ahead and modulate the bars for variation, send triggers to the lower jacks to jump around within the pattern, and mix the outputs of multiple units together to produce great complexity.

It’s a weird unit, but it quickly becomes a favorite modulation source when standard waveforms feel too boring.