ADSR Envelope Generator

Manufacturer: M*4

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This is a simple non-linear ADSR envelope generator with scalable output voltage. It provides Re-trigger input which allows re-triggering the envelope in the Single trigger mode. In addition, it also has an "End Of Decay" gate signal output.


  • Gate: The envelope can be triggered at any positive voltage.
  • Retrig: restarts the envelope any time. It only works during the gate is on.


  • Out: is the output of the envelope signal. The output voltage is scaled by the setting of the output level knob.
  • EOD: The End Of Decay output emits 5v gate signal at the end of decay phase. The voltage is fixed and not affected with the output knob.


  • A: sets attack time up to approximately 10sec. The output voltage rises to roughly 10v at the end of attack phase.
  • D: sets decay time up to approximately 10sec.
  • S: sets sustain level. The range is 0~10v.
  • R: sets release time up to approximately 10sec.
  • Output Level: This small knob sets the scaling percentage of output voltage with a discrete value ranged from 10% to 100%. (100% = 10v, 90% = 9v, 80% = 8v...10% = 1v)


  • Envelope Speed (fast/slow): doubles the time of attack, decay and release phases in "slow" setting.