Manufacturer: Nrgzr78

Contact Nrgzr78

$10.00 $12.00

On Sale
  • APOCALYPSE is a module thought to simulate nature sounds like river, sea, sea waves, wind whistle and blow, landslide, rain, storm and maybe other weird sounds too like a helicopter for example. CV modulation helps a lot. ;)

  • It's sold individually and as part of INSTRUMENTS BUNDLE.

  • Source control knob to subtly apply changes to the main sound.

  • Wind to literally add sort of wind effect.

  • Waves control knob, turning it clockwise and then anticlockwise to certain positions it can create sort of sea waves sound also depending on Mass control knob selection.

  • Mass along with Mode selection switch controls the spectrum of the sound.

  • Intensity controls the amount of sound.

  • Smooth allows to make the sound a little cleaner when possible.

Title of Song

  • Nrgzr78_APOCALYPSE_Demo_1_.wav
  • Nrgzr78_APOCALYPSE_Demo_2.wav