Manufacturer: R_Ware
R_Ware Basic Oscillator Poly
A not-so-basic basic polyphonic oscillator!
Basic Oscillator Poly is a digital oscillator with a virtual analog heart. It produces the four analog standard waveforms SAW, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, and SINE with pristine quality and stability. On top of that you can further modify the waveforms through the magic of PHASE DISTORTION! What's even more, each waveform has its own special MOD function that broadens the sonic spectrum even further. Make bendy saws, PWM'd squares, folded triangles and fractalized sines! And just when you thought you've heard it all... bring in a second oscillator for Exponential FM, Linear Through-Zero FM, and Phase Modulation! It's just the basics, but then a lot more!
- Poly Pitch input follows 1v/oct tracking
- Sync input resets the internal phase
- OCT knob changes the octave
- FINE knob adds up to +/- 700 cents to the frequency for fine detuning
- PHASE knob moves the internal phase
- Poly EXP FM input provides exponential frequency modulation with a dedicated attenuverter
- Poly LIN FM input provides linear through-zero frequency modulation with a dedicated attenuverter
- Poly PM provides phase modulation with a dedicated attenuverter
- The big FREQUENCY knob in the middle enables you to adjust the base tuning of the oscillator and to quickly set any frequency
- The waveform display shows you the current shape of each oscillator with all modifiers applied
- PDX is phase distortion in horizontal direction
- PDY is phase distortion in vertical direction
- PDS distorts the phase by sqeezing or stretching it from the center
- MOD provides special mod function for each waveform (bend for saw, PWM for square, linear folding for triangle, and fractalizing for sine)
- Each waveform can be output simultaneously
PRO-tip: set frequency to 0Hz (freeze mode) to use BasicOsc Poly as a neat polyphonic waveshaper through the poly PM CV input!