An adjustable voltage comparator monitors the 'In' input, and generates a positive gate signal on "Comp. Out" whenever the input signal meets or exceeds the threshold set via the "Thres." knob and CV Input/Attenuverter combination.

An 8 stage Shift Register is driven by the clock pulses recieved at the "Clock In" jack, with the Comparator result when clocked being added as a new value at the first stage.

The Shift Register can be commanded to loop the current values either manually or via a gate signal at the "Loop" CV input. A "Loop In" jack is provided to chain the shift register from another Gated Comparator module.

Two derived CV outputs are provided ("CV Out" and "Inv CV Out") which produce stepped 0 to 5 volt outputs based on the current contents of the Shift Register.

Four "Bit Switches" control whether or not bits 1 (LSB) through 4 from the shift register should be used when generating the CV voltages.