
BM 3230 conveniently lays out 6 parallel truth tables with individual outs for gates and triggers for both FALSE and TRUE results, as well as a trigger for each crossing between the two states. The module works for 1, 2, or 3 inputs, and allows to automate the (de)activation of inputs.


Apr 6, 22

This is pretty bad

While I think the idea for this module is great, the implementation is super poor; if you add this module to any patch and fail to use the inputs, it will basically force everything to come to a grinding halt and tear the patch's audio apart. Once you use the inputs, everything functions like normal, but god forbid you ever want to do something else with those cables - disabling the module does the exact same thing.

Also, I wasn't warned about extremely distracting, boldly flashing lights since there was absolutely no demo and I had to go in completely blind on the purchase. Good job, developer. You got me. I'll never do it again.

I guess if there had been a demo, I would've avoided this thing like the plague. Lessons learned.