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Four columns of outputs periodically relay an incoming signal (or a 5V gate when left unconnected) as a trigger pulse advances the device through up to 16 steps. It can be used to rotate through variations of effects chains - for instance, you could put a different delay on each step. Or, you might use it to distribute rhythmic triggers to alternating destinations - perhaps you might set up round robins of sample variations. On the other hand, you can use it as a sequencer, connecting steps to activate activities as you like.
The four columns of output jacks represent a hierarchy of clock divisions, where the rightmost 16 jacks cycle with each step. The 3rd column, of 8 jacks, steps through more slowly, such that each jack is active for two steps (ie, 1 & 2, 3 & 4, etc.). The 2nd column's jacks each go active for four steps and the first column's jacks are each active for 8. Thus, you readily have access to parallel periodicities, for routing cycles of connectivity around a modular patch.
The reset jack (and manual button) can be used to sync the device (a trigger sends it back to step 1) or to create patterns shorter than 16 steps. A master attenuverter/gain can invert incoming signals, scale them, or even amplify them to 200%. LED rings around the jacks help you visualize activity.
The Clock-Dividing Multi-Sequential Switch is that sort of abstractly boring utility which is actually the exciting heart of modular serendipity that comes to the surface with a little tinkering...