Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$8.00 $10.00
On Sale
- Comparator is part of Metrovisual Bundle.
- Comparator allows you to see what's going on with your CV/AUDIO signals. You can view the signals side by side (LANES) or on top of each other (OVERLAY) and CUSTOMIZE signals and background scope COLORS : at the top left and right side you have controls for channel 1 and 2, while in the middle for the background.
- Possibility to choose from Free, Positive or Negative synchronization.
- The button below the scope allows you to DISABLE/ENABLE it.
- A FREEZE button to freeze the visual.
- You can ZOOM the scope at all times with relative control knob at the bottom of the module and below it there's an EDITABLE LABEL.
- Possibility to have on full scope three kind of voltages (-1/1, -5/5 ,-10/10) enabling the appropriate toggle button.
- Above each INPUT jack a MUTE button plus a THRU OUTPUT to send your signals elsewhere.
Hope you enjoy it!!! ;-)