Crossfading Envelope Generator

$4.99 $6.99

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Crossfade between two sets of contrasting Attack/Hold/Decay/Sustain/Release values for morphing envelope generation.

It has mono and poly connections which can be used at the same time, a -100%-200% onboard attenuverter, and a modulation input for the crossfader. Just slide two groups of envelope settings into place and then use the crossfader to smoothly travel between the characteristics of the first AHDSR settings (at 0%), then intermediate values, and then the second AHDSR settings (at 100%). It's like having a DJ mixer for articulation.

Use the Crossfading Envelope Generator for subtle morphing, drastic switch-ups, or even for A/B comparisons. As a solid envelope generator in its own right, it's nice to have a device which is simple to patch up while also ready to get complicated as patch intricacy grows...