CV Cntrl

Manufacturer: Nrgzr78

Contact Nrgzr78


  • CV Cntrl is a free CV processor module with modulation capabilities, also useful for certain modules that not have any control for their CV inputs.
  • CV Cntrl is also included in Nrgzr78's Utility Bundle.
  1. It allows manipulation with input signal, red knob sets signal attenuation and/or inversion, black knob sets DC offset (transposition).
  2. Red knob “under” 12 o´clock (ccw) inverts signal, over 12 o´clock (cw) lefts signal in same polarity, max. attenuation is in the mid (12 o´clock = “0”).
  3. CV inputs to control the controller... ;)


Jul 27, 21

cv cntrl

intresting item to work with


May 23, 23

useful but frustrating

This module works good with the Cherry Sample and Hold module, attenuating the -5 to +5 voltage to a 5 volt range, and adding 2.5v offset so it's outputting voltage from 0-5v. Nice and slim, replacing Cherry Attenuverter and Cherry DC Source, but it has no hover info, and no scale, so you're guessing if you're inputting a value of 50% or .5 - frustrating - requires use of free Monkey Business Volt Meter to confirm your settings.

Title of Song

  • Nrgzr78_CV-Cntrl_Demo_1_