Decim8or can crush your sound beyond recognition down to 1 bit resolution and 40 Hz sample rate. It works with two separate channels so there is no need to insert a second module for stereo processing. Both settings for bit depth and sample rate can be modulated for rhythmic or random decim8ion of your sound.

Decim8or is also part of the Distortion Bundle. Get 4 creative distortion effects and save over 37%.

Pre Fltr: Insert a lowpass filter before decimation (2-pole or 4-pole). Filter cutoff is determined by Rate setting

Bits: Bit depth

Rate: Sample rate

Post Fltr: Insert a lowpass filter after decimation (2-pole or 4-pole). Filter cutoff is determined by Rate setting

Mix: Dry/Wet mix

If you have any module specific questions, please visit the Monkey Business Audio forum. For questions about Voltage Modular in general, please visit the Cherry Audio forum. If you don't want to ask your question in the forum you can send me a pm or an email.

Title of Song

  • Decim8or-demo