Manufacturer: DMT Audio
DMT 256 is a combined ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) and DAC (Digital to Analog Converter).
The ADC portion takes in a signal, either Control Voltage or Audio, as well as a Clock Signal. When the Clock Signal triggers, the ADC will 'sample' the signal, translate it into an 8-bit value, and then output each bit into the respective BIT x OUT jacks. For example, a 1 volt signal is converted into the value 154, which in 8-bit binary is 1001 1001, so BIT OUT gates 0, 3,4 and 7 will go HIGH.
Conversely, the DAC portion takes in 8 GATE signals (any signal, but will internally convert it to either HIGH or LOW), then converts these into either a 1 for HIGH, 0 for LOW, then combine into an 8-bit value, which is translated into -5v to 5v voltage. Continuing our example above, sending gates to BIT IN gates 0, 3, 4 and 7, will give an 8-bit signal of 154, and a CV OUT signal of 1v-ish.
Tips & Tricks
Self-patching is encouraged!
Perfect for generating rhythms from control signals - send in an LFO to the CV IN, and different Gates will trigger depending on the value.
Connecting each BIT x OUT to the same number BIT x IN, and sending in an audio-rate Clock Signal will generate some.. interesting Crunchy, aliased sounds as it's now essentially a rudimentary bit reducer!