DMT 4-Rest


Based on our adage of creating complexity from simplicity, the 4-Rest is an interesting combination of sequencer and clock divider. Each 'step' can be given a different value to divide the incoming clock pulse.


CLOCK - Rising edge of a gate signal with trigger and advance in the step. RESET- Rising edge of a gate signal with reset the sequencer back to the first step. 4 Knobs - Select your 'length' of your step to output. For example setting to 1 will advance on the next clock in, setting to 6 will wait 6 clock pulses before advancing. STEPS - Toggle the switch between Auto and Manual. Auto means the sequence length is just the sum of all the knob values, whereas Manual overrides this to be whatever length you wish, meaning you can cut off the whole sequence early, or extend futher out, In Manual mode, the knob determines the sequence length.


TRIG OUT - - Trigger output

Hints & Tips

Combine multiple 4-Rest modules with varying values and step lengths and get a constantly evolving rhythmic sequence!

Combine with the 4-Step module and see how creative you can get with minimal modules!