$6.00 $12.00

Version 1.1 Update - Added Tempo Sync!

Let's get Geometrical!

Geo-LFO generates 3 unique but inter-related LFO control values based on traversing a 2D polygon with CV-Controlled parameters defined by the user. A fantastic alternative to the use of random signals, and perfect for Mathematical-based modulations!

The display shows a 2d shape with a little white circle (named Gio, by the way) which traverses the outline of the shape at a speed defined by you. It's position on the X/Y Grid determines the voltage output at the respective X and Y output jacks. For example, if Gio is at the top-right of the display, both X and Y signals will be high.


Nodes - Controls the number of sides the basic shape has, although this is then modified by the STAR and TWIST controls.

Speed - Controls how fast Gio travels around the shape. 1Hz = 1 full rotation per second. Next to this is the 'T' Button which allows you to Tempo-Sync the LFO to the Host's Tempo. Note that if this is Active, the CV Input will have no effect.

Rotate - Rotates the shape on it's centre.

Size - Essentially an amp for the LFO signals, bigger size = larger shape = higher LFO values.

Star - Takes every other node/corner of the shape and pulls it towards the centre, in many cases creating a nice star-shape. LFO-wise, it's gives you a much more complex LFO signal.

Twist - Takes every other node/corner of the shape and rotates it around the centre, which alters the shape and therefore the LFO signals. Experiment!


X, Y - Individual outputs for the X and Y values

X x Y - Multiplies the X and Y signals together for another unique output value.