DMT Morphose


DMT Morphose combines additive synthesis with the ability morph to create a characterful oscillator capable of producing a wide range of sounds!

Morphose features a bank of 32 sine-wave oscillators tuned to multiples of the base frequency. For example, if the first (fundamental) partial is at 100Hz, the second will be 200Hz, the third at 300Hz and so on. The main panel of Morphose contains 32 white bars, these can be clicked and dragged up or down to increase or decrease the volume of that particular partial.

Different combinations of partial produce different timbres. For example, using only the odd-numbered partials starting at full volume for the 1st partial, and steadily decreasing the volume of each subsequent odd-numberted partial will give you a square(ish) wave timbre. Right-clicking the panel will give a small selection of presets to give you a start to your experimentations!

To speed up your waveform editing, right-clicking the panel gives you options to clear all the slots, the current slot, and copying and pasting to the current slot, as well as randomizing the partial volumes. There's also the Interpolation feature, which takes Slot 1 and Slot 8, and fills in the slots in between!

Morphose's next trick is that there are 8 slots in which to create your different timbres, and these can be morphed between using the Morph Controls underneath the main panel - perfect for shifting textures, or even faking a Filter cutoff being moved up and down (check out the Acid preset!). TO give you visual feedback, the panel displays semi-opaque coloured bars which show the current partial levels based on the current Morph value.

To increase the palette of sounds even more, the SHIFT control allows you to shift all the partials, so the 1st partial could become the 16th, the 2nd the 17th and so on. Perfect for twisting up your sounds even more!

If this isn't exciting enough - the Drive control controls the volume, and at higher volumes - a sweet distortion that really makes Morphose growl!

Morphose can also output Even and Odd Partials separately, allowing for even greater sound design. This comes with a XOver control, allowing the partial up to a set number to be output in Mono, to tame them bass frequencies!