DMT Octopus Sequencer


The DMT Audio Octopus Module is a fully-featured sequencer with 16 programmable patterns, each containing 8 tracks plus a global accent track - perfect for laying down a groove, and building variations to keep things moving! Patterns can be selected manually or via CV-control, and individual track mute buttons are available to make this a performance powerhouse.

Transport Controls

Play - Click to play / pause the sequencer.

Reset - Click to reset the sequencer back to first step.

Rand - The rand button will replace all the steps on the current track's current pattern with a random pattern. The number of steps generated is dependent on the Control knob next to the button. 0% will place 0 active steps, 100% will fill the entire pattern with active steps.

Save / Load - Export or Import all patterns and all tracks to a .DMT file for use later.

Pattern Controls

Pattern - Click a pattern number to select the given pattern. When plying, you have the option to jump straight to the new pattern or to wait until the current pattern has finished (see the Right-Click Menu).

Track - Click a Track Number to choose the a track for editing. Tracks 1-8 correspond to output jacks 1-8.

Per Pattern Controls

Length - Click to select the pattern length. For example, clicking the Step Length square underneath Step 16 will give you a 16-step sequence. Clicking Step 25 will give a 25-step sequence.

Accent - Click to set a global accent for that particular step. This means that any active step selected below that also has an active 'Accent' step, will send a trigger out of the 'Accent' Output.

Steps - Click to set a trigger for that particular step.

Track Mute - Pressing the button will toggle a Mute for the given track, so no triggers will output for the given track.

Right-Click Menu

Right Click on the main grid to give some extra options:

Reset all Patterns - Clears all patterns/track steps, accents and lengths.

The below options all affect the current pattern when the grid is Right-Click is clicked (just in case the sequencer is playing and the pattern is being CV-Controlled, so no surprises!)

Clear Current Pattern - Clears the current pattern (and associated tracks)

Copy Current Pattern - Copies the current pattern (and associated tracks) to a buffer, where it can be pasted into a new pattern...

Paste Into Current Pattern - Pastes the pattern buffer into the currently selected pattern.

Clear Current Track - Clears only the current track on the current Pattern.

Copy Current Track - Copies the current track to the buffer.

Paste Current Track - Pastes the buffer to the current track.

Pattern Change - When the new pattern is selected via the Pattern Select buttons, choose between the pattern changing instantly, or once the currently playing pattern has ended.