
$5.99 $10.00

This is a monophonic sequencer designed to generate atonal melodies, melodies that appear to have no tonic centre, no key. It is based on the 12-tone serial composition technique of the 2nd Viennese School championed by Arnold Schoenberg in the early part of the twentieth century. It randomly generates a 12-tone row and allows the user, through a simple, text-string based language, to specify how the row should be played back, in accordance with Schoenberg's rules.

The language allows playing, of the prime (originally generated) row as well as its retrograde, inverted or retrograde inverted variations. Through the language the user can also program any transpositions f the rows and the generation of new rows. Controls are provided to limit the available note range of playback as well as a Base knob which sets the starting pitch of generated rows.

The sequencer can be started and stopped either manually or via a gate input.