Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$18.00 $20.00
On Sale
- DYSTOPHIA is a Full Voice Modular Synthesizer based on Dreadbox's Disphonia.
- DYSTOPHIA is sold individually, as part of SYNTHS BUNDLE.
- Analog oscillator with multiple wave shapes : Square Wave, Sawtooth, Triangle and Noise.
- Two CV inputs for pitch control at 1V/oct.
- A PW CV input (+/-5V ) for the Square wave.
- A Tune slider for Coarse tuning.
- A Fine tune potentiometer for fine tuning. The output level of the waveforms is at +/-5V an the CV IN accepts +/-10V.
- The VCA section consists of:
- One VCA with two inputs, a mixed output and a VCA CV. This is an exponential curved VCA and it is mostly suitable for audio signals. Works with +/-5V CV control and expects +/-5V IN signals.
- Two VCAs with an input, an output, a potentiometer to control the initial VCA value and a VCA CV. These are linear VCAs, and even though they can handle any signal (CV or audio), they are more suitable for CV signals because of their linearity. They expect a CV signal of +/-5V. With the INIT potentiometer at max and no CV, unity gain is achieved.
- The Multiple section having one input and three outputs.
- The Mixer section consists of:
- Three inputs with separate level control.
- One output with positive and inverted level. The LVL knob closes the signal at about 50% of its value. When the LVL knob is at 0%, the signal is at full level but inverted. When is set at max, it is at its full level again, but not inverted.
- The Distortion section consists of:
- Slider to set distortion amount.
- Pre-gain control knob to apply gain before distortion.
- Post-gain control knob to apply gain after distortion.
- Master section with Lowshelf and Highshelf filters control knobs to adjust your sound and slider to set the master level and hard limiter embedded.
- Rectifier section consists of Half and Full wave rectifier.
- Sample & Hold section : when no Input inserted, internal noise will be applied; when no Gate input, Rate slider to control internal oscillator frequency and Level control knob to amplify output value.
- Envelope section consists of:
- Rise and Fall sliders (Attack, Decay/Release).
- Lvl to set Sustain.
- EOC outputs a trigger signal (10ms) at the end of the envelope cycle.
- LFO section consists of:
- Square and Triangle simultaneous outputs.
- Frequency handled by Rate slider.
- Lvl to set the amplitude.
- CV input for pitch control at 1V/oct., so you can use this oscillator also as an extra voice (sub).
- The LPF section is a 24dB Low Pass filter that consists of:
- A CV for the Cutoff frequency. (expects +/-5v Cv inputs)
- An audio Input that expects up to +/-5V levels
- A potentiometer for the Resonance amount. At max amount self-oscillation occurs
- A slider for the Cutoff frequency. The range is from 20Hz up to about 20.000Hz
- The Multimode Filter section is 12dB per mode and consists of:
- A CV for the Cutoff frequency. (expects +/-5v Cv inputs)
- Three Inputs that get mixed and then pass through the filter input. Expects up to +/-5V levels
- One output for each mode (Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass).
- A potentiometer for the Resonance amount.
- A slider for the Cutoff frequency. The range is from 20Hz up to 20.000Hz.
- The Echo section consists of:
- A CV input for the Delay Time. (expects +/-5v Cv inputs)
- An audio Input, which expects up to +/-5V levels
- An audio output.
- A potentiometer for the Delay Time.
- A slider for the Feedback amount.
- A slider for the Dry / Wet MIX.
Jan 28, 22
It's a Modular inSIDE a modular not to mention it sounds SUPERB!!! NICE WORK Nrg!!!! SporeGenisis
Title of Song
- Nrgzr78_DYSTOPHIA_Demo_1_
- Nrgzr78_DYSTOPHIA_Demo_2_