The ENV/Peaks module is a snappy envelope generator with exponential to logarithmic decay curves, a smooth attack, accent, a invert option and various cv modulation possibilities.
This module is intended to control filter cutoff/resonance and amplify levels as you would expect when using the silver tb acid/techno monster. Peaks is designed to be used with the TB filter of Cherry Audio - but can be used to control any source or filter within Voltage Modular.
The controls and their functions: from top to bottom:
- Orange knob: This is the decay knob. The time is set in milliseconds. The time varies from 30.3 ms to 606.0 ms, The centerposition is 303.0 ms.
- Accent: this knob sets the accent intensity from 0% to 100%. The higher the level, the more effect accent has on the decay curve, decaytime and level values. (1)
- Attack: this knob sets the amount of time for the smooth attack on the complete envelope signal, resulting in a smooth envelope instead of a more "spikey" one. Time varies between 1.01 ms tot 101.00 ms.
- Small orange knob: this is the curve knob. Values are set from -100% to +100%: exponential curve to logaritmic curve.
- Orange leds: These leds indicate if the curve is exponential (top) or logaritmic (bottom).
- Blue knob: This is the level knob, setting the level amount for the envelope.
- Invert led: This led lights up as soon as a gate signal is received and the complete envelope signal inverted. The invert has a desent amount of glidetime to it, 202 ms to be precise.
- Invert jack: This jack is used to receive the gate signal for inverting the envelope signal.
- Attenuator knobs and corresponding jacks beneath them. These jacks and attenuators control the knobs above them, just follow the dots and lines to the top. From left to right: the curve of decay, decay time and envelope level amount.
- Gate jack: The gate jack starts the envelope. Although the label says "gate" also "triggers" can be used resulting in a shorter and even snappier envelope output.
- Accent jack: When the accent jacks receives a gate signal, accent will be active for as long as the gate is high. If you, for instance, set a accent sequencer to 100 ms, accent will be active for 100ms.
- Out: Is the jack for the envelope source.
(1) When accent is active, it will result in:
- Decay time will be multiplied by 1,5. So if your decay time is set at right position being 606 ms, it will result in 909 ms.
- Level will be multiplied by 2. Instead of a output of a level maximized at 5 volts, it will be 10 volts.
- The curve will increase by 25%, resulting in a decay curve that will be wider when accent is active.
When using VCA/Levels as amplifier I like to route one Peaks to the second input to create accent on the audio volume level.