When working towards stereo output, the PANNER module can help you. It offers nine INputs with corresponding knobs to place your signal into the stereo field. On the right of the knobs you will also find nine modulation inputs to change the panning automatically with for instance an LFO signal.
On top an on/off switch is added. Default is ON but you now have the option to switch it OFF so all sound from PANNER is muted. That makes it easier to check blobks of modules that are connected to a PANNER. If you make a habit of working in 'clusters' of modules to create a sound and connect all appropriate outputs to a PANNER before going to a global mix, it gives you more structured control.
addition: shift-click on a pan knob MUTES that channel and changes the knob-color to plum. shift-clicking again will UNMUTE again. command(ctrl)-click on knob will SOLO that channel, color changes to orange. command-clicking again sets channel to normal again.