Manufacturer: Request For Music
RECRD is a recording module, to record parts of your patch or load waves and affect them. Connect your source to the INput so you can record it.. Left on IN you'll find a PITCH INput so you can play the recording using a keyboard. The LENGTH of the buffer can be set with TIME form 0.5 to 60 seconds. PLAYSPEED can be set from -5 to +5 times the normal speed - negative values play backwards. OUT sets the output level. INpt sets the starting point for playback with a recording, while OUTpt then sets the ending point. CRS sets the 'overlap' between end and start when the playback loops LO sets a lowpass filter cutoff and HI sets a highpass filter cutoff to shape you sound. The orange knobs set values for: SAT - saturation to 'thicken' the recording FB - feedback - sound is fed back to also thick and change the sound FLUT - flutter that modulates the sound some HISS - tape noise C.LVL - the level of clicks to simulate old lp's C.FRQ - sets the frequency of those clicks.
Together these settings can be used to emulate either record- or tapesound, and are added on top of the played recording - not affected by its speed. For this you'll find presets for: 78, 45, 33 (record settings) TP1, TP2 (tape settings) DIG ( completely clean) When you change a setting the FREE setting will be selected automatically
At the top you'll find a: REC and MERGE knob to record or merge a new recording. AUTO - when this is set, after recording PLAYback will automatically start PLAY - Play starts or stops playback of a recording. LOOP makes sure playback loops between IN- and OUT point RST - resets to the INpoint of the recording
Most knobs also have inputs near that can be used for modulation.
Add your signal to the IN-port and take it from the OUT-port to connect it anywhere in your chain... The GATE output sends a gate on start (INpoint) of the recoding and repeats that when LOOP is selected.
A LOAD and SAVE button are present to load Wav files and save Wav files. Saving is done without effects. SHIFT-CLICK on LOAD loads your wave but also resizes the buffer to the size of the wav (with a maximum of 60 seconds) If you use the 'normal' click load method the wav is loaded in whatever size LENGTH was set to.