With a sequencer you can create repeating patterns – you could use a sequencer to change the cutoff frequency of your filter on and on for instance. Mostly it is however used to play looping melodies. For this you can set the step knobs to values from -24 to 24. Each step is a semi-tone. This means you have a range of 2 octaves down to 2 octaves up per step. If you want to play a C-scale, you would set the steps to: 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12. In this case you would only need 8 of the available 16 steps. You can dial the yellow knob from 2 up to 16 for the amount of steps being played in the tempo set by the SPEED knob. The TRANSPOSE knob allows you to give the melody an offset of -1 octave to +1 octave in semi-tone steps. The outputs for PITCH and GATE send the set pitch and a gate out per step. By SHIFT-CLICKING a step knob, you ‘de-activate’ the step so no pitch or gate is sent out, thus to silence the step or create a rest. The PLAY button makes the sequence run, while RESET is a small button to reset the sequence. The GATE input lets the sequence jump to the next step depending on a trigger or gate entering this input. SPEED, STEPS and TRANSPOSE have inputs above them to modulate these. Under each knob there's a toggle switch. If this is switched ON, an ACCENT gate is output through the ACCENT output. Finally there’s a GATE LENGTH knob to set the length of the gate when output from the GATE output.