This module takes the Gate, Trigger, Note and Sustain inputs from the Voltage Modular IO panel and generates Legato (Single Trigger) and Retrigger (Multi-Trigger) outputs with and without Sustain.
The sustain legato output can be configured with the original behaviour (sustain forces legato/unsustained passed gate based on the Multi/Single switch on the IO Panel) or a new "pure legato" mode which forces legato irrestpective of the Multi/Single switch mode.
The module also provides an output for keyboard CV with Pitch Bend applied (and optional limiting of the bend amount) as well as a trigger when the Host (stand-alone or DAW hosted) BPM changes and a 1V/100bpm CV output of the host tempo.
The inputs can be from the IO Bus (hard wired) or from external sources such as the MIDI to CV module, providing even more flexibility with this module. Note that Pitch, Gate and Trigger should all be connected to a consistent source for the module to work correctly.
Also sold as part of Andrew Macaulay's Gate and Trigger Collection and General Utilities Collection as well as being included in Andrew Macaulay's Ultimate Bundle.