$5.99 $10.00

12 outputs are activated by 12 chromatic MIDI notes (from bottom to top) to output 5V (default), another specified voltage (-5V - 5V, selected via "O" knob), or to open a switch which connects the neighboring input. The last option means each MIDI note can be used to unmute audio or to selectively pass CV signals through.

This device makes it easy to use your DAW to sequence drums, to use a MIDI controller for turning signals on & off, and for master control of interconnectivity.

You can deselect the "ALL" button so that the device responds only to a specific octave (selected by the dial just below). Thus, you can use one unit per octave for dozens of switches.

How To:

  • Use MIDI notes to trigger drums:
    • Connect a MIDI cord between the device & "From Host"
    • Wire each of the right side jacks to the trigger input of a drum module
      • That's it!
      • Any C-note will send a gate out of the bottom jack.
      • Each jack above is mapped chromatically after that.
    • Optionally, to link these jacks with 1 particular octave exclusively, you can deactivate the green ALL button & set the dial beneath it to a particular octave.
      • This is a good way to use multiple devices and get dozens of separate output jacks across octaves.
  • Use MIDI notes to turn modulation/CV on & off
    • Connect a MIDI cord between the device & "From Host"
    • Wire each of the right side jacks to various modulation destinations
    • Wire each of the left side jacks from various modulators
      • That's it!
      • Any C-note will connect the modulation to its destination through the bottom jacks.
      • Jacks above are mapped chromatically after that.
    • Optionally, flip the polarity to flip the response backward (pressing a note deactivates the connection).
    • Optionally, to link these jacks with 1 particular octave exclusively, you can deactivate the green ALL button & set the dial beneath it to a particular octave.
      • This is a good way to use multiple devices and get dozens of separate output jacks across octaves.
  • Use MIDI notes to mute/unmute audio
    • Same as above, just use audio signals instead!