Manufacturer: Gargoyle
Adds the option of a mono-legato pitch by means of overlapping notes with additional glide.
There are two gate outputs:
- Gate is triggered on the first note played and set to zero when the last note is released
- Retrigger will reset and go high on every new note played. This, for example, allows an envelope to retrigger while legoto pitch continues.
There are three pitch outputs:
Mono, a regular monophonic pitch signal
Glide, a monophonic signal which always performs a glide
Legato, a monophonic signal which only performs a glide on overlapping notes
Glide and legato have a combined speed control to specifiy how fast the glide to the new pitch
Stepped allows for a stepped glide in half or whole notes instead of a continuous glide
Legato has an offset control. When there is no overlap between notes, the pitch will start at the specified offset and glide to the current pitch with the specified speed. The offset is in the range of up and down a whole octave.
There is a choice of the last overlapping note, lowest overlapping pitch or highest overlapping pitch.