Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$8.00 $10.00
On Sale
- MONSTER is sold individually, as part of Techno Bundle.
- MONSTER is a dual channel module.
- It provides two CV/AUDIO inputs and two CV/AUDIO outputs and 5 sections.
- MUTE, GAIN, DISTORTION, PAN with two POLARITY buttons, and MONO/STEREO section.
- The first three sections have a LINK button to command both knobs at the same time.
- Every knob or button can be triggered by their own CV INPUT.
- LINK, MUTE, POLARITY and MONO/STEREO CV INPUTS work with < 0V or > 0V signal.
- GAIN and DISTORTION with 0/5V signal ; PAN -5/5V signal.
Title of Song
- Nrgzr78_MONSTER_Demo_-1-_.wav