Or Get It As Part of Multi A/B Selector Bundle

$15.00 Add to Cart

A simple A/B selector for multiple monophonic CV and audio signals controlled by a button or via triggers/gates which allow direct setting of A or B, toggling (latched triggers) or a gate signal (normal or inverted) to control the selected set of inputs. This can be used to switch between two sequences (patching e.g. CV, Gate and Trigger through three channels) or to switch or morph between two sets of signals.

Each of the six channels can be set to switched mode or to have smoothing enabled (Cross-Fade) to stop clicks if switching audio or to fade between a set of control voltage inputs to morph between settings. The cross-fade speed (for the whole module) defaults to 25ms but can be set to between 0ms and 12secs. The module also provides a Gate Out (off=A, on=B) so that multiple modules can be cascaded if you need more than six channels switched at the same time.

Also sold as part of the Multi A/B Selector Bundle, Andrew Macaulay's Switches and Mixers Collection and included in Andrew Macaulay's Ultimate Bundle.