Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$18.00 $20.00
On Sale
- MUSIC LAB EXPANDER is based on the expansion of the DIY MFOS' Sound Lab ULTIMATE project with some extra features.
- MUSIC LAB EXPANDER is sold individually and as part of MUSIC LAB BUNDLE.
- DC OFFSETS to provide voltage output from 0 to 10V and from 0 to -10V when nothing connected to Input. While when Input connected the voltage amount will be added or subtracted, depending on switch selection, to the incoming signal.
- SPLIT allows a signal to be distributed to the three dedicated outputs.
- MERGE allows a three signals to be summed into the dedicated output.
- RECTIFIER provides two different results: HALF allows the passage of positive voltage while zeroing the negative. FULL makes the negative voltage positive while the positive remaining untouched.
- ADSR envelope featuring the common Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release settings, a switch for two different range
selections and manual gate button.
When GATE input connected the envelope will be triggered by >=2.5V signal and released when below such voltage,
while when TRIGGER input connected once the envelope will be triggered as mentioned above, its cycle will continue
until the release stage ends. - EXTERNAL SIGNAL BOOST the input signal can be boosted to a maximum of -10/+10V.
- ANALOG MULTIPLIER allows to multiple the two incoming signals X and Y.
- CV-INVERTER just converts a signal input into its opposite voltage.
- A VCA with linear and exponential CV Inputs.
- STATE VARIABLE FILTER provides four outputs at the same time with CV control on frequency cutoff and resonance.
- SIGNAL MIXER with four inputs and volumes, two separated outputs as MIX 1-2 and MIX 3-4 and MIXER OUT
outputting the four mixed signal. Options for DC and AC coupled for handling audio or cv material. - ENVELOPE FOLLOWER useful to pick peaks from a drum part and send it to an ADSR or whatever, depending on follower lag control knob selection.
Title of Song
- Nrgzr78_MUSIC LAB EXPANDER_Demo_2.wav
- Nrgzr78_MUSIC LAB EXPANDER_Demo_3.wav
- Nrgzr78_MUSIC LAB EXPANDER_Demo_4.wav