Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$4.00 $5.00
On Sale
- Muter is sold individually and as part of Nrgzr78's Utility Bundle and Techno Bundle.
- Six CV/Audio input and relative output channels module featuring 'MUTE' toggle buttons for each channel and a 'MUTE ALL' switch to mute all the channels at once but keeping in memory the active and non-active ones so when you turn the 'MUTE ALL' switch back you're gonna have everything like it was before.
- Every muting is applied smoothly to avoid pops.
- A 'RESET' button to set all the 'MUTE' buttons off.
- Six CV inputs to control each mute button, with activation following CVs input signal polarity.
- Two CV inputs , one for 'RESET' button and the other for 'MUTE ALL' button.
Title of Song
- Nrgzr78_Muter_Demo_1_.wav