Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$8.00 $10.00
On Sale
- Nrgzr78_CONVERTOR is sold individually and also in these Nrgzr78's Utility Bundle.
- Nrgzr78_CONVERTOR is an utility that let you modify your input signal in different ways, selecting between fixed voltages buttons from 1 to 5V or through dedicated KNOB for more precision from 0.01 to 5V, and five different modes : LIM, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV.
- LIM will limit your input signal to the voltage you're gonna select if higher than the selected one ; ADD will add, SUB will subtract, MUL will multiply, DIV will divide, the voltage amount you selected to your signal.
- Three CV INPUTS to automate switches and knob.
- If you don't select any mode it gives you as output the voltage you selected, and even though you selected nothing at all it acts like a BYPASS.
Hope you like it!!! ;)
Title of Song
- Nrgzr78_CONVERTOR_Demo_3