Or Get It As Part of Parallel Poly Processors
$5.99 $12.00
Or Get It As Part of Parallel Poly Processors
This truly polyphonic LFO lets you set the individual rates (silver dials) and waveforms (5 position switches for sine, triangle, ramp, saw, square) of each voice/channel. In a poly patch, individual voices can swarm around values and they can move & wander with individuality - rather than just more notes of the same thing, you can create complex diversity with modulation. Yet, you can also speed an slow the LFOs as a flock, using the master calibration dial, and you can reset them as a unit or randomize their phases with the sync & unsync buttons.
Per-voice sync/reset is available via top-left poly jack. The master calibration dial is modulatable. And, the sync/unsync buttons can be "pressed" via CV with a single jack - positive voltages sync the LFOs and negative voltages unsync them (randomize their phases). A master attenuverter and bias control (top-right, under the output) help make the device even more customizable.
Suddenly, those poly patches can begin to move within themselves and achieve exciting new variations.