Pitch Swing


On Sale

Generate triggers with a swing

Also part of the Beats2Pitch Bundle.

Pitch Swing is basically a clock generator that outputs a trigger signal every time a cycle of the given PITCH CV starts. It can add a swing to the clock signal, where the SWING amount determines the length of the first cycle relative to the second cycle. The TRIG output jacks can be set to output the first trigger or both, and the second or both respectively. The PITCH CV gets adjusted according to the SWING amount.

A high signal state at the RESET input (greater or equal 2.5 V) resets the swing cycle.

If you have any module specific questions, please visit the Monkey Business Audio forum. For questions about Voltage Modular in general, please visit the Cherry Audio forum. If you don't want to ask your question in the forum you can send me a pm or an email.