
Or Get It As Part of Mini Chord Bundle

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What's better than switching one poly input? Yes - switching two of them at the same time! And all in lovely purple.

Poly Mux is a ten-to-one multiplexer that selects one of ten pairs of poly inputs and sends those signals to a pair of poly outputs. The switching can be controlled by a pitch signal or by an arbitrary voltage. If a ten-to-one multiplexer feels a bit early then I guess you could consider it to be a twenty-to-two multiplexer...

The inspiration for Mini Chord, Poly Mux and PoMo Spreader was the desire for a simple way to generate and sequence chords. A typical setup is to have, say, four Mini Chord modules, each set to one chord from your desired progression or scale.

These feed into Poly Mux and the chords can be triggered live from a MIDI keyboard, sequenced with a step sequencer or, using the CV input, controlled by an LFO or similar. It can be fun to feed it with a random (sample and hold) LFO signal.

Chaining the chord into PoMo Spreader lets you get at the individual notes, octave shift them and drive basslines and other mono instruments alongside the chords.

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