Poly Simple Amplifier

A polyphonic version of the Simple Amplifier.

It is intended to be even simpler to use than the stock Poly Amplifier module. To this end, it only has a single OUT LEVEL slider and a graphically highlighted socket showing where to plug in the Poly Envelope Generator.

If nothing is connected to the poly ENV IN socket, the OUT LEVEL slider acts as a straightforward attenuator on the poly and mono AUDIO IN signals, from 0% to 100%.

If there is a signal connected to poly ENV IN, this signal will further attenuate the poly audio output: 0V at ENV IN will make the AUDIO OUT silent. +5V at ENV IN will make the AUDIO OUT non-inverted at the volume set by OUT LEVEL. -5V at ENV IN will make the AUDIO OUT inverted at the volume set by OUT LEVEL.

The ENV IN socket can take any poly voltage source - it doesn't have to be an Envelope Generator. It can be unipolar or bipolar, DC or AC, low-frequency control voltage or high-frequency audio signal. In fact, it will even operate as a precision linear ring modulator if you patch one poly audio source to AUDIO IN and another to poly ENV IN.

There is also a mono mix AUDIO OUT. This has a "Mono Auto Comp" switch associated with it which will automatically reduce the mix amplitude as polyphony is increased, to avoid signal overload.

The mono AUDIO IN socket allows you to use the Poly Simple Amplifier as a Mono to Poly voltage-splitter / multiple. The same mono signal is added to each poly channel. This is useful for audio applications such as filtering a single white noise source through a resonant poly VCF. Or, for CV applications, distributing a single LFO to the 1V/oct input of a poly oscillator, to get vibrato.