Random Values

Manufacturer: Benard

Contact Benard


Every time a trigger is received through the input or the trigger button, 8 independent random values are produced and sent to the respective outputs, with the type of distribution being determined between Gaussian and uniform by the switch on the right side. The glide knob allows for interpolation between values for smooth changes and it can be used to produce glissango textures. The trigger is also sent to the trigger output for convenience when daisy chaining multiple copies together. There is also an End Glide output, which sends a trigger when the random values finish gliding to their next value after a trigger (as long as the glide time is more than 100 ms). This output can be very useful for triggering continuous change by connecting it back to the trigger input and sending a single manual trigger to get it going.

This module is great for creating random clusters, or thick masses of slowly gliding voices. It is also very handy for producing several independent but synced random values to be used anywhere in a patch. A really useful tool for geneartive music and for making complex noise!