$19.50 $24.00

RFM_Hjöl is a module in RFM's Runic range.. in modern Swedish it means wheel and in old Norse somthing like 'movement'... and it points to the circles that are used in the module. The module holds two 'operators' - combinations of sine carrier and modulator - that can be used as drone- or pitched/played synth using keyboard pitch and gate. Envelope, filters and 'Galactic reverb' are built in to the module to have complete sound source available under your hands. There are plenty modulation sources on board, visible as circles in the center panel to have a constantly 'moving' sound, whether used as a drone or as lead- or bass monophonic synthesizer.

TOP At the top the WHITE jack input is for PITCH. The RED input is for GATE. The selected 'source' (one of the knobs available in the interface) shows in the row of leds above the center panel with a yellow outline. The name of the source shows up in the textfield above the leds. Any led can be clicked on to select the source displayed by that led. The extreme left led selects the oscillator settings in the right panel, to be able to set speed etc for the oscillator. Oscillator does not use settings for Size and Influence If a size is set, a purple led for that source will show up. To the right there are a SOLO and LOCK knob available. Select a source and SOLO to have only that source influence the sound. Multiple sources can be solo'ed. When SOLO'ed, the led (if lit) will turn yellow. The button left of SOLO clears the SOLO selection.

PANEL LEFT The module has two operators (OP1 and OP2) that can be either FM- ('FM level') or self modulated ('CAR feedb'). The ratio between carrier and modulator can be dialed in with 'Ratio'. The modulator can modulate itself ('MOD feedb) and the modulator can also Amplitute modulate the carrier ('AMlevel') Finally the carrier can be 'folded' with the 'FOLD MIN-' and 'FOLD MAX threshold'. These controls are available for both 'operators'

The mix knob changes the level 'ratio' between OP1 and OP2 - standard OP1 goes to the LEFT channel and OP2 to the RIGHT channel and then they go to the built-in Airwave Galactic Reverb port by R_Ware. To blend the channels to one mono signal, click the switch to the right of the mix dial. Mix then goes from full OP1 to full OP2.

PANEL CENTER This shows a red filled 'ball' - the oscillators - moving over the screen dependent of its settings. Settings can be adjusted in the Right panel. When a 'source' is adjusted there, a (moving) cricle can show up. Where the red ball overlaps another circle, modulation of the oscillators is created by that 'source' according to the settings

Below center panel you'll find: Transp - to transpose both Operators OP2 det - detune Operator 2 for 'thicker sound Each operator has a Filter (F1 and F2) with a Cutoff (0 - 15 kHz) and resonance (0 - 1) level - set the overall output level

PANEL RIGHT Click on a knob to show its modulation parameters in this panel.

X speed sets the speed in the x direction for the circle Y speed sets the speed in the Y direction for the circle X move sets the distance in X direction Y move sets the distance in Y direction Size sets the size of the circle Influence sets the 'modulation depth'

The red knobs affect the OFFSET of the circle

  • left of X move is the X offset
  • left of Y move is the Y offset they can be set between -112 and +112 (224px being the width of the square that everything is moving in)

The modulation is calculated from the center of the red ball to the center of the source's circle. Dead center modulation is as strong as 'Influence' - at the border of the circle modulation is 0.

At the bottom, buttons 1 to 3 open a new panel where buttons for sources that have a size, can be enabled. The level for those sources can be set with the bottom attenuator. All enabled sources are output as modulation CV on the corresponding output. Output 4 sends ALL modulation sources as CV. Output 4 has its own attenuator.

PANEL BOTTOM The orange jacks send the LEFT and RIGHT output of the signal. glide - sets portamento for the operators the grey knobs set the Galactic reverb with size - room/hall size bright - brightness of the reverb rept - sets the 'thickness' of the reverb det - detunes reverb 'tails' - sort of chorus effect wet - dry/wet mix of amount of reverb

The onboard envelope can be switched on with the white button on the right. A(ttack), D(ecay) and R(elease) can be set between 2 and 30000 ms. S(ustain) is set from 0.0 to 5.0