$4.00 $6.00

A bare-bones reverb based on a pair of delay lines. It does not use feedback loops or a diffuser, giving it a clearer, somewhat unusual sound. This leads to a smooth but less mushy tail which does not suffer from artificial metalic resonances often associated with feedback loops.

Supports up to a 10 second tail.


  • Time - Controls the time in seconds of the tail. This controls the size of the delay buffer, so higher values will push the CPU harder, and use more memory.
  • Density - The amount of delays per channel, which can be adjusted to taste. Lower values will use less CPU but sound less smooth. Higher values create a smoother tail. Values of up to 800 should work on a moderate CPU without any issues, although these values will depend on if you are in stereo mode, the size of the buffer, etc.
  • Scatter - Controls the distribution of delays, so rather than a repeating pattern of delays with realistic left-right ear separation, the delays will be distributed randomly across the entire buffer for each channel. This leads to a different sound.
  • Slope - ontrols the amplitude decay slope. Low values tend to linear, and high values are exponential. Default value is 2.
  • Alpha - ontrols the distribution of delays. Low values push the delays to the beginning of the buffer. High values push them toward the end. This is handy for getting a more dense delay cascade in a particular area without having to simulate so many delays. It can also be used at extreme values for creative effect. A value of 1 should lead to equal distribution.
  • Pre - Predelay in seconds before the reverb tail begins. Default is 200ms.
  • A two band EQ is also available at the bottom of the module to control the makeup of the tail.
  • Mono mode - By plugging an input to the left channel only, the module drops down to using a single buffer, which should be slightly more performant and use less memory. The delays for L and R will be fed from the same buffer.
  • Mix - Sets the amount of direct or dry signal vs how much comes from the reverb.
  • Stereo mode - (both input jacks plugged in), two buffers will be used, one for each channel. The delays for L and R will be fed from each channel independently.

Title of Song

  • Voltage Modular Recording 004.mp3
  • Voltage Modular Recording 005.mp3
  • Voltage Modular Recording 008.mp3
  • Voltage Modular Recording 006.mp3
  • Voltage Modular Recording 007.mp3