
Manufacturer: planet.6

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SEQ/Thru is a module intended to use in combination with planet.6 trigger-step sequencer SEQ/Steps. SEQ/Steps uses clock triggers to advance to the next step which might result in a continuous loop up to 16 steps that Seq/Steps has to offer. SEQ/Thru makes it possible to have more control over the (re)start and amount of steps played by using CV modulation and it's threshold. The conceptual idea is that you will get patterns that will sound random, but yet also common. While SEQ/Thru is intended to be used alongside SEQ/Steps the labels indicate "triggers in and out", but the module can be used to process all sorts of cv signals.

SEQ/Thru only let's triggers through when the received signals by CV.thru are above the set threshold level. When CV.thru receives lower values then threshold, values will be ignored. You can apply cv modulation to the threshold level for variation. Making it possible to vary the amount of triggers/steps that are passed through to SEQ/Steps or reset jack.

signal routing: trigin = trigout when cv thru signal > (threshold x threshold cv modulation)

The controls and their functions: from top to bottom:

  • Blue knob: The blue knob is the threshold knob. All values received by cv-thru jack that are under the threshold are ignored. The values above the threshold are used to pass the triggers from the jack to the trig.out jack.
  • Attenuverter: This knob sets the intensity/amount of the cv-modulation received from the cv.hold-jack to the threshold knob.
  • CV.Hold: This jack is used for the cv modulation signal to control the blue threshold knob.
  • Leds: The left led detects all incoming signals from The right led indicates the signals passed thru to the trig.out-jack.
  • CV.Thru: This jack is used to set the value before it's processed by the threshold. A positive value will result in triggers that will be passed thru to the trig.out jack. When using a play-gate or continuous 5V gate signal, all triggers will be passed thru.
  • ALL Thru: This button will send all received triggers to the trig.out-jack, CV.thru is by-passed.
  • Use this jack for the incoming signal to be processed.
  • trig.out: The jack that lets trigger thru after they are processed.

(!) When you like to sync SEQ/Steps to a DAW, patch the playgate from i/o to cv.thru, and set the Threshold knob to 0. All triggers will be sent to trig.out when your DAW sends a playgate signal.