Sequence Pendulum


Sequence Pendulum

is a 16-step sequencer with 2 x 2 tracks. The first value of each track is pitch-quantized, the second is not, so it could be used for filter cutoff frequencies and similar things. Now only one of the tracks will play back at a time. Which one will be determined by a LFO that constantly switches between the two. In this way variations to a sequence can be introduced, which will blend in from time to time in intervals not related to the sequence length.

Main controls & inputs

The Clock In jack: Before this is not connected to a clock signal, the show won't be running.

A trigger or gate signal received by the Reset jack will provide the necessary synchronization with other sequencers. Note that this will reset the LFO, too.

Steps decides the number of steps in the sequence.

The sixteen knobs below the step counter control the step values. Dependent on the Entry Mode they show

  • the pitch value or
  • the secondary control voltage value.

The two letter boxes "A" and "B" at the left highlight the track, that is currently edited, while the two lights below indicate the track, that is currently played. Click on those letter boxes to select the track you wish to edit. The Edit Link switch on top of these selects both tracks for simultaneous editing. When starting a new pattern from scratch this should be enabled, so you will create two identical sequences first. Then turn it off and enter the variations.

Secondary controls

The two knobs on the left determine the behavior of the "pendulum" LFO.

The Rate knob governs the LFO frequency.

The Bias mainly controls the phases of Track A and B, but also turns the LFO on and off. When turned hard left only Track A will play, turning the whole apparatus into a run-of-the-mill 16-step sequencer. When turned hard right, only Track B will play. When somewhere in between, the LFO will begin with its track switching. When more to the left, the Track A phase will be longer than the Track B phase. When more to the right, Track B will get the bigger time share.