Space Orbiter

Manufacturer: R_Ware

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$5.00 $5.00

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R_Ware Space Orbiter

Travel the orbital space with this 2D Canvas!

Generate CV with the distance from each corner at A/B/C/D corners, cross-fade between corners AC and DB, as well as 2D cross-fade between A/B/C/D. Use X/Y input to move dot with CV. Movement can be slewed in 2D.


    • X/Y controls the cursor's position in X and Y direction
  • SLEW
    • Slew (slow down) the cursor's movement in X and Y direction independently
  • A/B/C/D VAL
    • Set the corresponding corner's value that is output as CV
  • A/B/C/D Outputs
    • Outputs the set value in orbits from the corresponding corner to the other side. e.g. A VAL is output when the cursor is in the A corner; the more the cursor is moved away from the A corner the value goes to 0V.
  • AC/DB Outputs
    • Outputs a mix between AC and DB along their diagonals and their orbits
  • MIX Outputs
    • Outputs a 2D cross-fade between all corner values dependent on the cursor position
  • GRAD Output
    • Outputs a value from 0V..5V from the bottom left corner to the top right corner
  • X/Y Outputs
    • Outputs the current X and Y position as CV
    • Changes the input/output polarity from UNIpolar (0V..5V) to BIpolar (-5V..+5V)
    • Changes the output mode to alternative mode for third and fourth switch position
      • In alternative mode the distance is approximated in a way that each corner is singled out and all other corner values are 0V ( or -5V in bipolar)
      • Alternative mode of A affects AC output!
      • Alternative mode of D affects DB output!
      • Huge thanks to power-user Jean for inspiring and helping with this mode!
    • Changes the polarity from UNIpolar (0V..5V) to BIpolar (-5V..+5V) at second and fourth switch position