VCA style compressor
Includes gain reduction indication and compression curve indication
- Mono and stereo input and output options
- -20 to +20 db input gain control
- The threshold can be set from -80 to +20 db to trigger the compressor
- The ratio controls the amount of db gain reduction per db over the threshold
- Attack and release control the time to reach full and zero compression
- Knee controls the speed at which full ratio is reached at the compression threshold
- Tail adds the option of less or more compression ratio after the threshold, the tail starts half way between the threshold point and 0 db.
- RMS duration in ms determines the average db to trigger the compressor. A lower results in faster db changes.
- HPF is a high pass filter to reduce lower frequencies triggering the compressor
- Sidechain adds the option to use another signal to trigger the compressor. The high pass filter will also filter this signal when available.
- Use mix to mix in the original signal
- Makeup is a -20 to +20 db makeup gain after compression, the original signal is not altered by the makeup gain when mixing in the original signal