$7.99 $8.99
You can think of a cv/pitch sequencer as a series of attenuators acting on a voltage supply, and usually a trigger pulse advances the device through each step. This device swaps out the voltage supply with an input, and rather than using triggers, each step is "addressed" with a unique voltage range (-5V to +5V are subdivided amongst sliders). Further, the sliders can perform more than just attenuator duties, with a mode dial that invokes wavefolding, biasing, and other interesting behaviors.
Use this device when you want to throw a wrench into the inner workings of a signal. Make waveforms grow wonderful complexities, give control voltages surprise turns, and get experimental with counterintuitive but dexterous sequencing. There's also a mode which takes a ramp wave as input and lets you draw your own output wave (which follows the pitch of the input oscillator).
The random button (top left) helps you explore slider variations rapidly, the sliders are individually modulatable (below sliders) and offsetable (above), VCAs on the input & output make it easier to tinker, and a wet/dry dial makes subtlety just as possible as madness.