Manufacturer: Nrgzr78
$12.00 $15.00
On Sale
- Stereo Compressor is a classic analog feedforward compressor, which takes its sidechain split directly from the input signal.
- Stereo Compressor is sold individually and as part of PROCESSOR Bundle.
- It has two independent signal paths in order to process stereo signals.
- The left input is normalized to the right, if you want to compress mono signals instead.
- THRESHOLD determins the level at which the compressor starts working and can be set from -40dB to 20dB.
- RATIO sets how much the compressor turns down the volume when the threshold is reached.
- GAIN regulates the amount of make-up gain (-10dB to +30dB) that is applied to the signal.
- ON/OFF switch to compare the dry and compressed audio signal.
- LED to show reduction.
Hope you have fun with it!!! ;)
Title of Song
- Nrgzr78_StereoCompressor_Demo_-1-_
- Nrgzr78_StereoCompressor_Demo_-2-_