Trigger To Gate

Manufacturer: Benard

Contact Benard


This module is inspired by a brilliant but not so well known little Eurorack module. It generates gates from triggers, with two separate channels that are independent but share the same knob values for length and probability.

When Random mode is selected, each time a trigger is received a random number is generated. If that number is greater than the value of the probability knob, a new gate duration is selected at random between 50 msec and the value of the lenght knob (which has a maximum value of 5 seconds), and consecutive triggers before the gate releases are added in length to keep the gate high.

When Constant mode is selected, the duration of the gate is simply determined by the length knob, and probability has no effect.

There is CV control over the length and probability values, which are added to the values of the respective knobs.

The button between the gate inputs allows you to send the trigger of channel 1 to channel 2 for synced triggers, but this gets deactivated when a signal is connected to the trigger input of channel 2.

The T buttons are manual triggers for each channel.