Manufacturer: planet.6

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"VCA/Contour" is part of the of planet.6modularsystems/:Level^Contour bundle

The VCA/Contour module is a single channel based on the architecture of Contours. The conceptual idea behind this module is: the ability to created evolving cv signals - ment for drones or varying cv modulation on frequency and/or filters, with less complexity as Contours.

Contour offers gain cv, offset and invertion.

(!) The cv-signals are treated as uni-polar only.

Signal routing: (input signal x gain) + (input signal x ((cv x cv attentuation) x invert) + offset = output signal

The controls and their functions from left to right:

  • Offset knob: sets the amount of offset, it's range is -5 to 5v.
  • Offset leds: the leds show if the out 1 is producing a signal above 0 (top led) or below 0 (bottom led). This helps determining quickly how much offset you want to apply without having to use a scope.
  • Attenuator knob: The attenuator sets the amount of offset-cv passed through to the offset knob.
  • Offset jack: is the jack that receives the cv-signal for attenuating the offset.
  • Pink gain knob: This is the gain knob which multiplies the incoming channel.
  • In jack: Is the jack for the incoming signal to be amplified.
  • Attenuator knob located under the gain knob: The attenuators set the intensity of cv modulation of the gain-jack.
  • Invert led: This led lights up as soon as a gate signal is received and the in-signal is inverted.
  • Invert jack: This jack is used to receive the gate signal for inverting the cv-signal.
  • Gain jack: This jack is the cv signal for attenuation of the gain.
  • Out: This is the output jack after the input signal is processed