Manufacturer: planet.6
"VCA/Level" is part of the of planet.6modularsystems/:Level^Contour bundle
The VCA/Level module is a small amplifier based on the architecture of VCA/Level. Next to gain modulation, what you would expect from an amplifier, VCA/Level can also invert the input channel when a gate signal is received. This can result in rhythmic effects when using VCA/Level to attenuate cv signals.
Signal routing: input signal x inverter + ((gain + cv) x cv attenuation) = output signal
(!) Only cv signals in the range: 0 - 10v are passed through to the gain. When the sum of cv modulation is below 0, no modulation is applied.
The controls and their functions: from top to bottom:
- Green knob: This knob is the gain knobs which adds 0 to 5 volts to the cv modulation signal.
- Attenuator knob: The attenuator sets the intensity of cv modulation of the gain-jack.
- Gain jack: This jack is the cv signal for attenuation of the gain.
- Invert led: This led lights up as soon as a gate signal is received and the in-signal is inverted.
- Invert jack: This jack is used to receive the gate signal for inverting the in-signal.
- In: This jack is used for the incoming signal which can be audio or a cv signal.
- Out: The positive output of the in-signal after gain modulation.