A voltage-controlled evolution of the 6x6 Matrix Mixer, allowing 6 inputs to be mixed into different mixes for 6 outputs. The mixer controls can be set to linear (percentage) mode or dB mode. Useful for routing and other mixing duties - for example, take the various outputs from each VCO and mix them differently into different signal chains/filters.

With manual switches for each row, gated/triggered switching (selectable), flexible routing of the control voltages (allowing linking into groups) and a simple VCA stage on each of the rows (which now allows Linear or Exponential use). The unit can be used as a 6x 6-into-1, a 6-into-6 and anything between. Patching the control points automatically sets up the most likely grouping, but full control is also available.

The module can be used for monophonic signals and now polyphonic signals. A switch allows changing between the modes when there are no signal input or output jacks connected.

Also sold as part of Andrew Macaulay's Switches and Mixers Collection and included in Andrew Macaulay's Ultimate Bundle.